Susannah Collins: Women Winning Divorce Episode 62
Susannah Collins: Women Winning Divorce Episode 62 Women Winning Divorce Episode 62 (CLICK HERE) Publications
Why children can suffer under the law
I have been planning this article since fall 2015, with 100 thoughts toward any number of soapboxes that I might climb upon to raise awareness regarding some perceived transgression or injustice to the men and women we represent every day as attorneys.
Holocaust survivor shares story at Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association luncheon
“My parents didn’t know when they forced me to take piano and tap dancing lessons that it would save my life,” said Holocaust survivor Bob Fischer, who was only 6 when he was imprisoned in the Nazi’s Theresienstadt Ghetto camp.
Getting to know JWLA’s president, F. Susannah Collins (Daily Record)
I always thought I would be a lawyer. My grandfather was an attorney in South Carolina who had come from very little and who worked his way through Harvard law. He believed in a legal education for the plain purpose of helping people and I loved that idea as a child.
The Pro Bono Success of Susannah Collins (Daily Record)
What happens when a child is removed from the court’s jurisdiction by a parent and there is no custody order?
Stuparich discusses malpractice at JWLA (Daily Record)
From left, attorney Craig Gibbs, Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association President Katherine Schnauss Naugle, association Secretary Banda deLane Crawford, association Vice President Rachel Rall, association Vice President Susannah Collins and guest speaker attorney Nancy Stuparich of Florida Lawyers Mutual. Stuparich spoke on “How to Prevent Malpractice” at the association’s March 14 lunch meeting at The River Club.
Outstanding Pro Bono Service Recognized at Equal Justice Event (Daily Record)
It’s the message of the Florida Bar Foundation’s and the Florida Bar’s One Campaign to encourage pro bono service. At Pro Bono Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, we see this simple message in action every day.
Pro bono Attorneys Serve Community With ‘Ask-A-Lawyer’ (Daily Record)
For most people, there is usually an instance in their lives in which they have legal questions that need to be answered or a legal matter that they are hesitant to face.
However, many people don’t have the money to speak to an attorney and, in fact, may not actually have a legal issue.
At an “Ask-A-Lawyer” event, people have an opportunity to ask questions of pro bono attorneys in brief face-to-face interviews.
Lawyer Snapshot: F. Susannah Collins (Daily Record)
Age: Old enough to know better than to answer. Do you seriously think you should ask the women this?
Family: Husband, Jeff; daughters Gentry, Finley and Effie; and son Harris. Children ages 8 – 18.
Pets: Dogs: Sammy, Jake, Jude and CoCo Chanel. Cats: George Dubya Bush, Georgia, Duke and Roscoe P. Coletrain. Australian Bearded Dragons: Mushu and Angelina Ballerina. One male Beta fish named Hercules.